Stainless Steel Prices – Summer Recap

Steel mills in Europe are attempting to implement price hikes nation wide that could affect USA sales of raw metal.  However, if outputs are cut more sufficiently, supply then could rise causing an increase in price for raw metal.  Any pickup in activity is likely to be short lived and only temporarily.  Producers may also…

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A butterfly valve is a type of quarter turn valve. A quarter turn valve can open or close whenever the handle is turned 90 degrees (a quarter of a turn). The main function of these valves is to control the flow of liquids through a section of pipe. Butterfly valves are mainly used in waste…

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What is a valve and how did it originate?

We all know that valves are present in our everyday lives, but valves work a lot “behind the scenes”—controlling what might seem like the “uncontrollable”.  Without valves, we would have engineering issues on how to regulate and control steam, water, air, corrosive liquids, gases and other materials. You can already see WHY valves are important, but WHERE did…

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Plug Valve: What is a plug valve?

If you are in the valve world at all, you know that the plug valve oftentimes gets a bad rap. There are different reasons for this. One being that the maintenance for these valves is greater than that of other valves. They need to be lubricated while out in the field and more times than not, this…

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What is a ball valve?

What is a ball valve? It’s a question new customers often ask us at Valtorc, so let’s look into this to answer the question and explain what a ball valve is. A ball valve is described as a mechanical device that directs, guides and modulates the flow of various types of liquids by way of an opening…

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