Eliminate temperature control problems a Valtorc International control panel. Arl electronic sensor installed at a measurement location continuously sends input signals to the controller. The controller compares this signal to a predefined set point at set intervals. If the input signal deviates from the set point, the controller sends a corrective output signal to the control element.
This ensures a consistent temperature even where large load changes and/or fast response changes are required. Equipped auto tuning and PID capabilities, this controller also allows user defined input, output, range and alarm specifications. Furthermore, the panel provides unsurpassed temperature control on a typical process of+/- one degree. The unit can also be :supplied with a valve to meet your specifications. Water resistant, user friendly, low maintenance and 24 hour shipment on replacement parts make the SCC control panel the only choice in temperature control.

Product Description, Dimensions and Specifications PDF
Series PC-SP-100 (Poultry Scalder)
- Ideal for poultry industry - surpasses all industry standards
- Electric sensor installed at a measurement locations continuously sends input signals to the controller.
- Controller compares this signal to a predefined set point at set intervals.
- Equipped auto tuning and PID compatibilities.
- Unit can be supplied with valve to meet your specification.
- Water resistant, user-friendly and low maintenance.
- 24 hour shipping on replacement parts makes this unit the only choice in temperature control.
- Air: Max 100psig, min. 3psig
- Electricity: 110 volt
- Construction: NEMA 4x enclosure
- Dimensions: Height: 12"; Width: 18"; Depth" 20"

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